26 October 2016


Dear Colleague

Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales: Implementation

The Children, Young People and Education Committee is scrutinising the implementation of Professor Graham Donaldson’s Review Successful Futures: Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales.


The implementation plan ‘A curriculum for Wales – a curriculum for life’ has set out an ambition for the new curriculum to be available in 2018 and fully rolled out in 2021. Progress on implementation will therefore be monitored regularly by the Committee throughout the development of the new curriculum.


At this stage, the Committee wants to hear from key stakeholders to inform its scrutiny of the Welsh Government’s implementation of the review’s recommendations. The Committee is particularly focusing on:




The Committee will also be taking Oral Evidence from a number of key stakeholders, including from Professor Donaldson. To help inform this work, I would be grateful if you could respond with your views on the points above by 11 November 2016.

Yours sincerely,

Lynne Neagle AC / AM
Cadeirydd / Chair